Lulu Kitty

And speaking of kitties, your alter ego for the past couple of months has been “Lulu Kitty”.  Lulu Kitty is a very playful cat, who loves to meow in a high-pitched voice and say “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH, do you want to play with me?!?!?!”  🙂

Lulu Kitty also enjoys farting, but she is very polite and always says “Excuse me!”  lol.   She also enjoys eating Lulu treats (grapes), and being petted on the head.

Kitties & Poopoo

I’m putting you to bed tonight, and you say the most hilarious thing.  You were already half-asleep, and the conversation went like this:

Daddy:  Good night baby

Brooklyn:  Good night Daddy

Daddy: Sweet dreams

Brooklyn:  Sweet dreams

***10 second pause***

Brooklyn:  Daddy?

Daddy: Yes baby?

Brooklyn: I’m going to dream about kitties and poopoo.. so don’t wake me up

Daddy:  *laughs out loud* ok baby, I’ll try not to wake you up.

Brooklyn:  Thank you.

**10 seconds later you fall asleep**


Playdate with Mia-Pia!

You had your second official playdate yesterday, with Mia!  She came over to our house, and you girls had a blast!  You painted, played with your dolls, played Jenga blocks, we went to the park and drove your car (and you were such a good girl about sharing it with Mia), then we came back home and ate lunch and played with bubbles, you and Mia stood on the balcony and pretended to be kitties and meowed at all the neighbors!  You two are hysterical.  Such a good time!



We are in the process of selling our condo and buying a new house.  Everything is packed up, including most of your toys which you aren’t too happy about, but you are being such a good sport and dealing with all the changes very well.  You are so composed and mature for only being 3 years old!  Hopefully in another month or so we will be in a brand new house that will have your own room and a yard to play in!