Lulu Kitty

And speaking of kitties, your alter ego for the past couple of months has been “Lulu Kitty”.  Lulu Kitty is a very playful cat, who loves to meow in a high-pitched voice and say “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH, do you want to play with me?!?!?!”  🙂

Lulu Kitty also enjoys farting, but she is very polite and always says “Excuse me!”  lol.   She also enjoys eating Lulu treats (grapes), and being petted on the head.

Kitties & Poopoo

I’m putting you to bed tonight, and you say the most hilarious thing.  You were already half-asleep, and the conversation went like this:

Daddy:  Good night baby

Brooklyn:  Good night Daddy

Daddy: Sweet dreams

Brooklyn:  Sweet dreams

***10 second pause***

Brooklyn:  Daddy?

Daddy: Yes baby?

Brooklyn: I’m going to dream about kitties and poopoo.. so don’t wake me up

Daddy:  *laughs out loud* ok baby, I’ll try not to wake you up.

Brooklyn:  Thank you.

**10 seconds later you fall asleep**
