Learning to ride a bike!

On Sunday, August 30th, we had just came back from playing at the park, and Mommy suggested you ride your bike.  It had been a while since you tried to ride it, and the couple of times you did before you only lasted a few minutes then got frustrated and were done.  But on this day, it was no problem!  You picked up how to pedal and steer in a matter of minutes!  The next day you were doing so good I took you to the park so you would have more room to ride around, and you did even better!

Ears Pierced!!

On August 22nd, Grandma came up to visit for the weekend.  You had been requesting for a week or so that you wanted to get your ears pierced, so we decided to do it the weekend Grandma was here because she wanted to be a part of it.  We went to Claire’s in the mall, and a really nice lady named Rockie did the piercing.  You cried a little bit, because it hurt and also because it scared you, but after a few minutes of crying you were back to normal and loved your new earrings!  You were proud of yourself and we were so proud of you!  And your new earrings are beautiful!

earspierced2 earspierced

Singing Cowboy – Part 2

On August 14th Pappy & Nanny came up to babysit you for the weekend while Mommy & Daddy went to Lake Tahoe.  On that Friday, they also performed again at your pre-school.  We were nervous for you, because the first time they performed you did not like it at all!  But this time you said you were excited, and wanted them to come, and even wanted to come up and perform with them.  And you did!  You had such a great time, and we were so proud of you!!
