Wish List

Lately you have been talking about things you wish you could be, so I have been compiling a list because they are pretty funny and insightful 🙂

Brooklyn’s wish list

I wish I was a dog so I could eat treats off the floor.
I wish I was a duck so I could swim in the dirty creek.
I wish I was a bird so I could sit on power lines and not get shocked.
I wish I was a power line so I can shock people who climb on me.
I wish I was a power pole so I could warn people the power lines will shock them.
I wish I was a cat so I could go pee outside.
I wish I was a bear who combs her hair.
I wish I was a whale with a polka dot tail.
I wish I was a blanket so I could know what it feels like to be folded.
I wish I was a dragon so I can breathe fire.
I wish I was a leaf so I could fall to the ground and change colors.
I wish I was a cheetah so I could run super fast.
I wish I was a pretty butterfly so I could fly and walk with wings.
I wish I was candy so people can eat me.
I wish I was a star so I can be pretty and have points.
I wish I was a flower so dogs can smell me.
I wish I was a monkey so I can scratch my armpits.
I wish I was a goat so I can eat paper.
I wish I was a llama so I can spit at people I don’t know.
I wish I was a jellyfish so I can live in the water and sting bad scuba divers.

Halloween 2015

For Halloween this year you dressed up as a Bride.  We went over to your friend Mia’s house for a party and then trick or treating after.



We went to Taiwan on Oct 21st – Oct. 29th.   Mama lives there for 3 months of every year, so we went to visit and also explore!  It was so much fun.  You were a little movie-star over there.  Everywhere we went people wanted to stop and talk to you, take pictures with you,  and just look at you 🙂  We met Ashu (Mama’s sister) and the rest of Mama’s family.

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