
Haris is boy that lives next door, and your current best friend!  He is 2 1/2 years old right now, and just learning to speak English (his family is from Pakistan and they speak Sindhi, Urdu & Hindi).  Over the past couple of months you two have become close and really enjoy playing with each other.  On the weekends, you always ask “Daddy can I go outside and scream for Haris?!?!”, to which I reply “yes of course” and then you go outside and literally scream “HARIS!!!!”.  He then comes outside and you guys play 🙂  Lately he has been coming over and you play in your room, or watch TV, and occasionally he eats dinner with us 🙂

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Pre-school Graduation!!!

You graduated Pre-school on Friday 6/30/2017!  You accomplished so much in your 3 years of preschool.  You are already reading at a 2nd/3rd grade level, doing math (addition, subtraction, fractions) and are the only kid in your class doing paperwork at your level.  You had so much fun at preschool, especially with your friends Kaylee, Sanvi, Luis, Ryan ‘Diddle’, Sasha, Jeremy, and many many others!  Here are some pictures from your special day 🙂

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