
On Saturday 8/12/17 we went to Sacramento.  Auntie Gloria, Uncle Charles and their daughter Kate were going to take a train trip across the country and leaving out of Sacramento.  We picked them up from the San Francisco airport.  We took them out to eat at an authentic taco truck on the side of the road, stopped by the beach to collect sand for Kate, then drove to Sacramento and visited the state capital building.  We took them to their hotel, which was an old riverboat on the water converted into a hotel, then out to dinner after.  A very fun and exciting day meeting new family members and visiting new places 🙂


You started Kindergarten on Monday 8/14/17.  Your teacher is Miss Black.  The first week you fell in love with it 🙂  You’ve made several new friends (Avianna, Reese) and are really enjoying going to school every day.