Western BBQ at Kindergarten!

Last Friday (9/22/17) your school hosted a western-themed BBQ.  It was a lot of fun!  We ate Dickey’s BBQ, played in the hay, bounced in the jump houses, and danced outside on top of a hay bales 🙂  You also got a chance to play with your new friend Gianna.


I took you bowling for the first time last Saturday.  We went to Earl Anthony Dublin Bowl.  You were pretty excited to go, although a little concerned that you would miss an hour or so of playtime at home 🙂

When we got there you were more enthusiastic after getting your brightly colored ball and bowling shoes.  Everything was fine until it was your first turn, and you were really nervous about people watching you 🙂  So instead of rolling it yourself we utilized the ‘dinosaur ramp’ which is basically a slide for bowling balls.  You loved that, and you actually beat me the first game!  We played 2 games, then the prize-claw machine, then went home and played 🙂



Ice cream thief!

We went to get ice cream after a haircut this last weekend.

I put my cone down for 5 seconds and then it’s gone into your face! Lol 🙂


You’ve been taking tumbling classes for about 8 months now.  When you started you couldn’t even do a jumping-jack properly 🙂 Now you are doing cartwheels, acro-jumps, handstands (not fully yet) and practicing for a big recital in October!  I take you to your class every Saturday at 5:15pm.  Your friend Kaylee goes to the same class, and you’ve made a new friend, Lucia, while you’ve been there.  Your teacher is Ms. Sarah and she has purple hair 🙂 Also there are teenage twins (the twinsies) that help teach the class occasionally.  This has been your favorite activity for a long time!