Extended Grandma Visit!

Grandma is here for 3 weeks visiting because mommy is in Taiwan.  You love Grandma so much and have so much fun playing and spending time with her.  It really warms my heart watching the two of you interact and enhance your relationship 🙂  <3  <3



More Tumbling!!

Every week you are doing more advanced moves in your tumbling class!  It is so much fun to go with you every week and watch your progress.  Look at these pictures from yesterday (10/7/17).  You were doing ‘acro jumps’ from standing on top of your teacher’s shoulders, and she is tall! 🙂

Bear Bucks!!

For the school week ending on 10/6/2017 you won the most ‘bear bucks!’  🙂  You receive the most bear bucks by doing nice/kind/helpful things for others and the teacher.  You were so proud of your accomplishment, and I was/am too 🙂

Mommy in Taiwan

Mommy left to go to Taiwan for 3 weeks.  She left on Thursday 10/4/17 and won’t be getting home until 10/29/17.  Grandma came up to help out for 3 weeks!  So you are currently enjoying your time with her, although still very sad that mommy is not here.