Thanksgiving 2017

We spent the entire week at Grandma & Grandpa’s house for Thanksgiving this year!  It was just you and I, mommy stayed at home.  We drove down Sunday evening, 11/19, at 5pm.  Uncle Ryan and his girlfriend Erin drove down with us.  We picked them up from the BART station at 4:45pm and took off!  We arrived at Grandma & Grandpa’s around 11pm.  We had a really great week just relaxing, playing, going to the park, going to the movies (The Star), more playing and coloring and more playing!  🙂   Nanny and Pappy came over on Wednesday and Thursday.  Eric brought her little dog Cooper with her, and you just loved playing with her!  You wanted to bring Cooper home with us.  We left on Friday, 11/24, at 4pm and arrived back home at 10:30pm.  All in all it was a great week!