Great America!

We went to Great America today.  It was the first time for both of us.  You are still scared of fast-rides and rollercoasters, so we went on some of the kids rides and slower family rides.  Your favorite was the Sky Tower.  That is a 200′ tower that has a spinning platform you sit on and brings you all the way to the top.  We also played some carnival games and you won 2 prizes!  We both had a great time, and hopefully we can go on some rollercoasters the next time 🙂


6th Tooth Gone!

Last night (10/25/18), you pulled out your 6th tooth!  All by yourself again, no fussing or whining, just did it like a big girl!  🙂


Recital Dress Rehearsal

You’re dress rehearsal for your big recital was on 10/22/18.  Here are a few pics of you and your friends in your beautiful costumes and makeup!   The real recital is tomorrow (10/27/18) and you are super excited 🙂  More pics to come tomorrow!

Bike Riding!

After 2,504 days of being alive, you finally learned how to ride a bike!

Once you took it seriously, it only took you 2 days.

Now we can start doing Daddy/Daughter bike rides! I’ve been looking forward to that for 2,590 days!

5th Tooth Gone!!

5th tooth gone!

You pulled it out all by yourself, then nonchalantly told me afterwards.

You then expressed disappointment in the fact that you now know the tooth-fairy is a lie.

“I could really use the money Daddy”  LMAO.