You Broke Daddy’s Nose!

I had surgery to repair and clean my sinuses last Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018.  Everything went well, and by Friday I was feeling well enough to pick you up from school, so I did.  As I always do when I see you, I bent over to give you a hug and a kiss.  For some reason on that day, you decided to jump up when I was bending over and your head hit me directly in the nose.  This was 3 days after my surgery, and my nose was still very sore and sensitive.  Immediately when you hit me, I blacked out from the pain for a few seconds, and must have blurted out a profanity as all the teachers were looking at me, shocked.  I could hardly drive home because the pain was so intense.

As soon as we got home I put ice on my nose.  From that point on over the weekend, my recovery went from being OK to much, much worse.  I eventually went to urgent care today, and explained what happened.  They took x-rays, and confirmed that I have a large fracture on the bridge of my nose.  LOL.

Congratulations!  Not many daughters can say the broke their Daddy’s nose 🙂  I had to write this down so I wouldn’t forget, as I’m sure it will be a funny story for years to come 🙂

98th Percentile for Reading Level

You’re reading level for your age-group is in the 98th percentile!  That means you can read better than 98% of all 1st graders nationwide.  That is so impressive, and I am so proud of you!  Your commitment and attitude towards learning is fantastic, and this will enable you to do many great things in your life!