Perfect Report Card!

On Wednesday, 1/16/2019, you brought home your first, perfect report card!!  Straight O’s (O = A for elementary school)!!  We are so proud of you, you are really excelling in school this year and it is so fun to watch! 🙂

Peppermint, Dale, & the Pepsi’s!

Right after the new year, you and Mommy went to PetSmart to buy something for Abby, and ended up coming home with new pets!  Peppermint is a female Beta, Dale is a SeaSlug, and the Pepsi’s are a little family of 3 fish that look like Pepsi cans 🙂  You also got a pretty cool fish tank for them, with a color-changing light and a princess castle inside!

Tahoe – Snow Sledding!

We went to Lake Tahoe right after the new year, 1/4/2019.  We went to play in the snow and go sledding, and we had a blast!

Christmas 2018!

Such a fun Christmas this year!  We had a smaller Christmas this year, people-wise (No Grandma and Grandpa), but it was just as big in happiness and fun!  This was the first year Santa Clause didn’t come, because you no longer believe in him 🙂  This year your big present was a Kip Bar for gymnastics.  That thing is pretty big and takes up half the living room, but you have really been enjoying it so far!  You also got us a really cool ice-cube set (which you couldn’t wait for me to open because I couldn’t even come close to guessing what it was), and you were so proud of yourself for buying your own presents for the first time 🙂

7th Birthday Party!

This year we had your party on your actual birthday (December 15th) at The Wave in Dublin.  The Wave is an outdoor waterpark and they also have a huge indoor pool that’s heated!  12 of your friends showed up and they all went swimming.  It was 2.5 hours of swimming, and 30 minutes to eat pizza and cake.  You had a blast, and so did I!  🙂