Perfect Report Card!

On Wednesday, 1/16/2019, you brought home your first, perfect report card!!  Straight O’s (O = A for elementary school)!!  We are so proud of you, you are really excelling in school this year and it is so fun to watch! 🙂

Peppermint, Dale, & the Pepsi’s!

Right after the new year, you and Mommy went to PetSmart to buy something for Abby, and ended up coming home with new pets!  Peppermint is a female Beta, Dale is a SeaSlug, and the Pepsi’s are a little family of 3 fish that look like Pepsi cans 🙂  You also got a pretty cool fish tank for them, with a color-changing light and a princess castle inside!

Tahoe – Snow Sledding!

We went to Lake Tahoe right after the new year, 1/4/2019.  We went to play in the snow and go sledding, and we had a blast!