First Time Skiing!

This last weekend (3/23/19) you went skiing for the first time!  We went up to Reno, Nevada, and stayed at the Circus Circus hotel. We left on Friday and came back on Sunday.  On Friday when we got there, we went to The Midway (giant circus-like area with carnival games, video games), and played a ton of games and you won so many prizes!

On Saturday, we went skiing.  We went to Mt. Rose in Nevada, about 30 minutes south of Reno.  It was snowing (also your first time seeing it snow, which you loved!), and really cold, but that didn’t phase you at all 🙂  I signed you up for a 2 hour lesson, and you really loved it.  I went on a few runs by myself while you were in your class, and then after your class we went down the bunny-slope together for a while until you got tired.  It was a great trip and great bonding experience for both of us!  🙂

Daddy & Daughter Dance!

On Friday, March 1st, 2019, your school hosted a Daddy & Daughter dance!  They had one last year as well, but I was on a work-trip and wasn’t able to go.  So I had been looking forward to this for a year, or technically 7 years since you were born 🙂

This was a formal dance, so we both got fancy!  I wore my nice suit, and you wore a beautiful blue & white dress. You’re not a huge fan of dancing right now, especially in public, but you did let me have one dance which was very special 🙂  Besides dancing, they also had a fun photo-booth, a dessert bar with a chocolate fountain, and we also played foosball!  It was a very special and memorable evening 🙂

Dr. Seuss day at school!

Friday, March 1st, 2019 was Dr. Seuss day at your school.  There was a class party scheduled, but that was cancelled due to the room-parent being sick and not able to come in.  I was scheduled to come in and help Mrs. Nagy out, so I did that and also read 2 Dr. Seuss books to your class.  And the best part is that I got to go to recess with your class, and we played tag with your friends!  I had a really fun time!