Apex Fun Run – Pre-Race

Another video of the Apex Fun Run.  This is before the race started, you and your friends running around being crazy 🙂

Apex Fun Run 2019

This is a video I made of the Apex Fun Run this year.  It is a fundraising event at your school.  Every child gets pledges or donations for however many laps they run.  Last year you ran 28 laps, and this year you ran 45 laps!  Mommy and I volunteered this year, and helped put tally marks on the kids shirts for each lap they ran.  It was a lot of fun!

St. Patricks Day 2019

I almost forgot to post this!  On Saturday April 16th, 2019, we went to the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin.  This was the 4th year in a row we have been.  It gets a little less exciting every year as you get older, but we always have fun regardless 🙂  The best part of this year was when one of the police horses went poop in the middle of the street and parade, bringing it abruptly to a long pause while people tried to clean it up without the necessary or proper tools!