
You started Taekwondo lessons on 10/1/19.  And you absolutely love it!  You really have a natural talent for this, and it shows.  Your form and technique are excellent, and you are always getting praise from the teachers.  Even the kids with more advanced belts are impressed, and your technique is often-times better than theirs.  This is the only sport or activity that you have tried where you have a genuine, enthusiastic approach towards and *really* enjoy it.  And I enjoy taking you and watching you and practicing at home!

Western BBQ Night!

Friday, September 20th, was the annual Western BBQ at school.  You were really excited this year because they were having a contest for dressing up western.  You looked so cute in your western outfit, but unfortunately didn’t win 🙁  We still had fun though!  Avi and Alec came with us, and you also played with Alex and other friends while we were there.  And, to make the night even better, I won the 50/50 raffle and got to take home $140!


We got Mochi on 9/7/19 as an early birthday present for you.  Mochi is a Neva-Masquerade (half Siamese, half Siberian) kitten and is currently 5 months old.  He’s a bit scrawny, but makes up for size with his personality.  He’s such a wild, and also very loving, kitten.  You love him so much!  He is your first fur-baby 🙂  He loves to sleep with you, and us, and also loves to wake everyone up at 3am by jumping on your head and purring VERY loudly directly in your ear.  He is super fluffy and always looks like he has just been electrocuted.  LOL.   You lovingly refer to him as “Mighty button-nose warrior”, “Sesame nose”, “Pusso face”, and several other nicknames I can’t remember right now.