Running Club – All In Race! 3rd Place!!

One of your extra-curricular this year at school was the Running Club again.  You meet every Thursday after school and run laps on the track outside.  This is all to train for a real race when the Running Club is finished.  Last year you were in the running club, but did not go to the race.  This year you did go to the race!  You were really excited about it, but not quite sure what to expect in terms of how well you would do, or if you would win.  You kept telling me that you hoped you win 🙂  I wasn’t sure either because the race was 1.8 miles long!  Pretty long distance for a 7 year old.  But, you did so well!  You finished in 3rd place and won a medal!  I was so proud of you, and more importantly you were SO proud of yourself!  I really loved seeing that.  You won a medal and had it awarded to you in front of all your friends at the end of the race!