Bike Riding!

After 2,504 days of being alive, you finally learned how to ride a bike!

Once you took it seriously, it only took you 2 days.

Now we can start doing Daddy/Daughter bike rides! I’ve been looking forward to that for 2,590 days!

5th Tooth Gone!!

5th tooth gone!

You pulled it out all by yourself, then nonchalantly told me afterwards.

You then expressed disappointment in the fact that you now know the tooth-fairy is a lie.

“I could really use the money Daddy”  LMAO.

You Broke Daddy’s Nose!

I had surgery to repair and clean my sinuses last Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018.  Everything went well, and by Friday I was feeling well enough to pick you up from school, so I did.  As I always do when I see you, I bent over to give you a hug and a kiss.  For some reason on that day, you decided to jump up when I was bending over and your head hit me directly in the nose.  This was 3 days after my surgery, and my nose was still very sore and sensitive.  Immediately when you hit me, I blacked out from the pain for a few seconds, and must have blurted out a profanity as all the teachers were looking at me, shocked.  I could hardly drive home because the pain was so intense.

As soon as we got home I put ice on my nose.  From that point on over the weekend, my recovery went from being OK to much, much worse.  I eventually went to urgent care today, and explained what happened.  They took x-rays, and confirmed that I have a large fracture on the bridge of my nose.  LOL.

Congratulations!  Not many daughters can say the broke their Daddy’s nose 🙂  I had to write this down so I wouldn’t forget, as I’m sure it will be a funny story for years to come 🙂

98th Percentile for Reading Level

You’re reading level for your age-group is in the 98th percentile!  That means you can read better than 98% of all 1st graders nationwide.  That is so impressive, and I am so proud of you!  Your commitment and attitude towards learning is fantastic, and this will enable you to do many great things in your life!