Random Summer Pictures

Just some random pictures of your first, real, summer break.  Summer 2018 – post Kindergarten, pre 1st grade 🙂


Kindergarten Graduation!

Today you graduated from Kindergarten!  They had a nice, small ceremony at the school, and you received the ‘Gratefulness Award’ 🙂

Grandma and Uncle came as well.

I am so proud of you and everything you have accomplished in your young-life so far.  I love you so much!!

4th Tooth Gone!

On Tuesday 5/22/18 you lost your 4th tooth!!  And the Tooth Fairy gave you another $5!!!

Real Swimming!

Today was the first day that you actually swam!  You’ve been in and around pools for a few years now, but have always been hesitant to get in without a life jacket or floatie.  You’ve been taking swim lessons the past 4 weeks at The Wave in Dublin, and this has really boosted your confidence.  So we went after swim lessons yesterday for free swimming, and you did really well.  And then, TODAY, you SWAM!!  No doggie-paddle, no struggling through the water, no scared to put your head underwater, just heads-down, feet-kicking, arms-moving, SWIMMING!! I’m so proud of you!!