Tooth Fairy!

You lost your first tooth on March 20th, 2018.  It had been really loose for a week or so, but you were scared to try and pull it out 🙂  While you were flossing your teeth that night, the flosser popped it out for you!  You ran around squealing and squeaking for a minute, half scared and half excited, then you sat and stared at yourself in the mirror for 20 minutes 🙂

The tooth fairy came at 11pm that night, and left you a $5 bill folded into the shape of a heart <3

White-guy Face

“Daddy, the little gray hairs in your beard look funny on your white-guy face”


Thanks, Brooklyn.   You say the funniest things!  Always have me laughing <3

Christmas 2017

Christmas turned out to be really fun this year!   You got your EZ Bake Oven from Santa (which you later returned for a ‘Hatchimal’) 🙂 Grandma and Grandpa were here for a few days, we decorated the Gingerbread house, ate really good food, and enjoyed each other’s company 🙂

Christmas Concert at School!

Last night (12/19/17) your school put on a Christmas concert.  Your class sang Jingle Bells and Away in a Manger.  You weren’t too excited to perform the dance moves, but you did anyway and looked so freaking adorable doing it 🙂