Halloween 2016

You dressed up as Pocahontas for your school performance.  Then you dressed up as a Fairy Princess for Halloween Day at school.  And for trick-or-treating you dressed up as a cow 🙂

Here is a video from your school performance.

And a few pictures of you and Surabhi:

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First Written Story!

You wrote your very first story the other day.  You took the time to sit down and write a page and a half of words.  They didn’t all make sense, even to you 🙂  But you remembered the story in your head and told it to me when you went to bed.  The highlights were that Mommy and Daddy saved you from the giant evil-fish and we all lived happily ever after.


Bad Daddy!!

It’s been so long since I have posted an update here.. I am sorry!!

Since the last time I posted, you have learned how to read, had your first sleepover & many many other highlights!  I will be posting more soon, just wanted to get a quick update here.

“How are babies made?”

I’m watching cartoons this morning with you, still half-asleep and focusing more on my cereal than My Little Pony, until you throw out this question:

“Daddy, how do you make a person?”

– “huh? … can you be more specific?”

“How are people made..?”

– “umm.. you mean babies?”


– “you want to know how babies are made?”


– (I’ve actually been preparing mentally for this question, just didn’t expect it to come so soon, and I will always be honest with her and never lie, but obviously there are limitations with explanations of complex topics to a 4 year old) “well, there is a certain way a man and a woman can physically interact that will result in the making of a baby.”

“oh ok. Thank you!”

– “That’s it? you understand?”


Ok, that was much easier than anticipated. whew.

Christmas 2015

Christmas 2015 was so much fun!  Our first Christmas in our new house.  Grandma & Grandpa came and stayed with us for 3 days, and Uncle Ryan, Auntie Jasmine, Joey and Katie came over on Christmas day.  You asked Santa for a stand up scooter and he delivered!  We all had such a good time 🙂

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