Singing Cowboy – Part 2

On August 14th Pappy & Nanny came up to babysit you for the weekend while Mommy & Daddy went to Lake Tahoe.  On that Friday, they also performed again at your pre-school.  We were nervous for you, because the first time they performed you did not like it at all!  But this time you said you were excited, and wanted them to come, and even wanted to come up and perform with them.  And you did!  You had such a great time, and we were so proud of you!!


Weekend at Grandma & Grandpa’s!

I took you for a mini-vacation to see Grandma and Grandpa on 8/6/15 – 8/9/15.  You had so much fun!  We both did, it was a very nice, relaxing weekend with Grandma and Grandpa.

sierraBrooklyn lilswimmer


We went on our first camping trip this past weekend!  We went to Half Moon Bay, which is a campground right next to the beach.  You had so much fun, it was a blast to watch you experience something new, as always 🙂  We only ended up staying one night instead of 2, because it was really cold and windy, and you were getting a chapped-face and your cheeks hurt, but we still managed to pack all of the normal camping activities into the one night.  We had a campfire, made smores, slept in the tent, of course played at the beach and let the waves chase up while occasionally getting wet, and also made sand castles and buried you in the sand!  We will definitely be going back for more camping!

camping1 camping2

Chuck E. Cheese

I took you to Chuck E. Cheese’s for the first time on Sunday 7/19/15.  You had a blast!  Games, tickets, prizes, playground, and pizza – what could be better than an afternoon filled with all of those things??!?  🙂


School Work

You have been doing so well at preschool!  You are able to write your own name now, learning to read, do basic math, and you do such a good job your assignments always get put up on the wall for everyone to see!  I am so proud of you!! 🙂

Math-WOrk letters