Morning hikes

We’ve been going for morning hikes lately, it’s such a great way to start the day, and you really love it!  There is a hiking trail just a block away from our house, and we climb the ‘big mountain’  and we even found a secret bench out in the middle of nowhere!


Father’s Day 2015

You had a Father’s Day concert at pre-school, it was the most adorable thing I have ever seen.  Then we had an ice cream party afterwards 🙂  Very special day for me 🙂

New House!!

We officially moved into our new house on 5/23/15.  We’ve been so busy with the packing and planning I haven’t had a chance to post here in a while.  Our new house is amazing, and you have your own room!  Mommy and I painted it ‘Bubblegum Pink’ just like you wanted, and it really is a rich, pink color 🙂  We’ve only been here a little over a week but it feels so much like home.  You are starting to sleep in your own room now, or at least wanting to anyways 🙂  You don’t always make it through the entire night and most often end up in our bed, but that’s ok, Mommy and I enjoy the quality time with you snoring with us 🙂   As a matter of fact as I’m typing this you are calling for me because you are hungry and want a pouchy 🙂

Toys R Us

The other night mommy was trying to tell me something in secret by spelling it out, because we thought you didn’t know how to spell yet.  So mommy tells me “can you go to t-o-y-s-r-u-s and pick up”  and before she could finish you blurted out “TOYS R US!!!!!”  🙂   We were both so shocked and amazed that you knew what she was referring to by spelling it out, because you are only just learning how to spell.