Brooklyn & Daddy Interview

A quick interview on a Sunday morning.

Too damn long!

Man, it’s been too damn long since I’ve posted 🙁  We have done so many things since my last post.  Most notably:

  • Disneyland
  • Your 3rd Birthday party
  • Christmas (your new pink car)
  • Yosemite trip (first time in the snow, sledding)

I promise I will update your site more often this year!! I love you!

– Daddy


Daddy/Daughter Day!

I had the best day yesterday spending it almost entirely with you!  It was Veterans day and your pre-school was closed, so I decided to take the day off and spend it with you.  We went to get your haircut and you got to sit in the Thomas the Train chair! 🙂  Miss Rayjean put sparkles in your hair and gave you a lollipop after.  Then we went to get a breakfast snack at Peet’s Coffee, you ate a scone and had milk and Daddy had coffee and a scone.  After that we went to the “BIG PARK” and you played for an hour and a half and had a blast.  Next we went to eat lunch at Lasy Dog, the brand new restaurant that you had been begging to go to since it started being built, and then you were so tired you didn’t eat anything!  But you had a blast coloring on the kids menu and sticking it in the window for people outside to see 🙂  After that we went home and tried to take a nap,  but you ended up watching The Little Mermaid instead and climbed all over me while I tried to nap 🙂

Pre-School Halloween Show

Your very first public performance was at Little Flowers Preschool.  You sang two songs “In the Sky on Halloween”  and “I’m a Little Pumpkin”.  You did so well, and were one of only a few kids singing!