Halloween 2014

You dressed up as Queen Elsa from Frozen.  Mommy was a ladybug, and Daddy was The Grinch.hw1

Sparking Pot

When you leave your car for the day, you spark it in a pot.

Or, when someone else pulls into a space first, you yell “THEY TOOK OUR SPARKING POT!!!”

Grandma Time!!

Grandma came to visit this past weekend (10/11/14), and you had such a great time.  You always have so much fun with Grandma.  You played dollies, read books, jumped on the trampoline, asked Grandma to pick you up and carry you wherever you went, lol, slept and cuddled with Grandma at night, woke up and played with Grandma in the morning, took Grandma to the park and made her roll down the hill, flew your kite, played pre-school, played hide & seek, and much more.  You always say “Grandma is by BFF” 🙂


My poor baby, you were sicky all last week, high-fever and coughing all night long.  I hate seeing you sick and uncomfortable, but I love the cuddle time I get when you are 🙂

A Big Much!

One of your favorite sayings when you have a lot of something is “that’s a big much!”  🙂  So cute.