New Friend!

I took you to the park today to teach you how to ride your Minnie Mouse bike, but you had no interest in that whatsoever 🙂  You preferred to run around the ‘big mountain’ and then you met a new friend, Ariella.  You were shy at first, but eventually warmed up and played with her for over an hour.  Play time abruptly ended when Daddy decided to share and let Ariella have a turn on your bike.  You then decided you no longer liked Ariella and wanted to go home 🙂


2nd trip to the dentist

Your 2nd trip to the dentist was on June 18th 2014.  You did so well! Everyone at the dentists office was in love with you and how well you behaved!



It was a week of birthdays.  Mine is today, Suzanne’s was on the 13th.  Brooklyn loved signing her cards for us, her penmanship is getting so much better, very refined and intricate.  She loves singing happy birthday and especially loves eating the cake.  It has been a good week!

Last day of 1st pre-school

Today was Brooklyn’s last day of her 1st pre-school!  I had the privilege of taking her and we both had a blast. Normally Suzanne takes her, but I took some time off of work so I could attend.  The class and instructor, Ms. Ava, were great. Brooklyn was a little apprehensive at first, she takes a few minutes to warm up to new, or somewhat new, environments, but when she does she has a lot of fun. We sang songs, danced, and the project for the day was making a pizza!  Brooklyn got to make her own pizza which we took home and baked.  She didn’t end up eating it because she doesn’t like tomato sauce, but the entire process was fun!
