Funky Grooves!

More crazy dancing, but this time you called it “My Funky Grooves!”.  LOL.  You are so adorable and cute baby!


Daddy the Science Teacher!

On Friday, October 25th, I was able to come to your school and be an assistant teacher!  Your class had been learning about magnets recently, and I asked Mrs. Walder if I could come in and also teach about magnets while doing some cool experiments!  I had bought you some really strong magnets after you were learning about them in school, so I figured what a good way to show how powerful they are by doing experiments in your class.  All the kids loved it, and so did I!  I love coming to your school and helping out however I can.


You started Taekwondo lessons on 10/1/19.  And you absolutely love it!  You really have a natural talent for this, and it shows.  Your form and technique are excellent, and you are always getting praise from the teachers.  Even the kids with more advanced belts are impressed, and your technique is often-times better than theirs.  This is the only sport or activity that you have tried where you have a genuine, enthusiastic approach towards and *really* enjoy it.  And I enjoy taking you and watching you and practicing at home!