2nd Grade Begins!!

You started Second grade on Tuesday, August 13th 2019.  Your teacher this year is Mrs. Walder.  You were somewhat excited to go back (I think two amazing vacations in one summer made it hard to go back to reality 🙂 ) and once you knew you had Avi, Alex, Aiden, and Reagan D. in your class you were happy 🙂

Taiwan – June/July 2019

Right after the 1st grade school year ended, Mommy wanted to take you to Taiwan for 5 weeks!  She planned everything out, and I took you to the airport on Sunday, July 10th.  I was so sad to have to be away from you for so long, or thinking about being away from you for so long 🙁   BUT, you were so sweet and you called me *every single day!*  You have no idea how happy that made me 🙂  After 2 weeks of sitting around the house by myself, so I booked a plane ticket to come meet you and Mommy in Taiwan.  I stayed for 8 days.  We went on a couple of tours with Alan, very beautiful places.  Ate a bunch of delicious food, and of course walked and walked in that ridiculously hot, humid weather.

The hotel had a swimming pool on top of the roof, which we took advantage of on several occasions.  Overall we had fun. Lots of downtime, but it was fun.  You decided you wanted to leave early and come home with me instead of stay the entire 5 weeks, so you and I left and Mommy stayed for another 8-9 days.

Cabo! July 2019

We went to our timeshare in Cabo on July 28th  for 1 week.  This was the longest we have ever stayed, and we even got an upgraded room!  A presidential suite, almost right on the beach and immediately next to the pool.  You had such a good time!  Although by the end of the trip you were completely done with swimming!  LOL.   We did go night swimming, ate a lot of really good foods, and overall had a great family trip.

Want to go back to sleep!?!

I forgot to post this yesterday, the official day of this historic moment, lol.  Yesterday, July 8th 2019, for the first time ever in your 7.5 years of being alive, you woke up in the morning and then said “I want to go back to sleep”.  I’m pretty sure this was the look on my face:

This happened at 6:45am, which is surprising as well because you are, 95% of the time, awake at that time.  I got up and brushed my teeth, changed clothes, etc.. and you were still in bed. I told you I was going to go downstairs, and that’s when those beautiful words came out of your mouth!  LOL.

“My eyes are still sleepy Daddy, and I want to go back to sleep”





Last day of 1st Grade!

Your last day of 1st grade was on Friday, May 31st, 2019.  It was a half-day, if that.  But there was a very-nice awards ceremony, brunch for the parents and kids, and an overall good time had by all.  Lots of laughs and smiles along with a few tears 🙂  You had such an amazing year at school, improved dramatically in all areas and I am so proud of you and what you continue to accomplish.  Mrs. Nagy was such a great teacher, and also became a friend to all of us during the year. I hear that second grade get’s a lot more difficult, but we will be ready!