Spring Concert at School!

On Thursday, May 2nd 2019, you had a Spring Concert at school.  You were really excited about it this year, and were really looking forward to singing on stage with all your friends!  And, you did such an amazing job!  All your singing and dance-movements were right on point and looked fantastic!  I really had a good time watching you up there 🙂


Easter 2019

We went to Grandma & Grandpa’s again for Easter this year.  As usual we had a great time!  We went miniature golfing, played at the park down the street, went to Sunrise Service at Harvest Church, and most importantly we had a HUGE Easter egg hunt!  We got 112 eggs and you found all of them (well, almost all of them 🙂 ) yourself!

Learning Expo / Open House

On Wednesday, April 10th 2019, your school had it’s annual Learning Expo and Open House.  It is a night where all the schoolwork you have done throughout the year is on display.  They also had food-trucks, ice cream, and the school mascot came out (which you were terrified of!  lol ).  It was a really fun night, especially to see all of the amazing work you have done.  To watch your continued efforts and see the changes and progression in your work is truly impressive!  You have done an excellent job this year, and I am very proud of you!

Apex Fun Run – Pre-Race

Another video of the Apex Fun Run.  This is before the race started, you and your friends running around being crazy 🙂

Apex Fun Run 2019

This is a video I made of the Apex Fun Run this year.  It is a fundraising event at your school.  Every child gets pledges or donations for however many laps they run.  Last year you ran 28 laps, and this year you ran 45 laps!  Mommy and I volunteered this year, and helped put tally marks on the kids shirts for each lap they ran.  It was a lot of fun!